New Behind the Panles
Issue #1 takes an in depth look at The Amazing Spider-Man!
Check it out at:
Welcome. It has been said that the pen is mightier than the sword. But the pen is nothing without the ideas that it writes. This is the Mind's Forge, where ideas are made.
Issue #1 takes an in depth look at The Amazing Spider-Man!
Check it out at:
Posted by
Itai Rosenbaum
7:30 PM
Hello Everyone,
I haven't updated in a while, but I've had a bunch of stuff going on, so lets me catch you up.
I've finished 3 and half years of military service (it's mandatory in Israel) and am now back to being a civilian.
I've recently recieved a column at Silver Bullet Comics. The column, "Behind the Panels", will take an in-depth look at various comic characters and storylines in a "Inside the Actor's Studio" type of thing.
Check it out over HERE.
Work on Awesome Storm Justice 41 is proceeding along nicely, and pretty soon you'll be able to check out my first work on the title, letters for Web 18.
Work on the secret project with Ielle Palmer is moving a long nicely. And as soon as we have something to show, I'll be sure to pimp it out over here.
Lastly, check out my ComicSpace page for lots of comic goodies. ComicSpace!
Oh!, I'll be in New York Comic Con! It's a big deal 'cause I'm flying from Israel, so expect a full report when I get back (and if anyone reads this, is attending, and will like to meet, then get in touch with me and we'll make it happen!)
See ya later!
- Itai
Posted by
Itai Rosenbaum
1:26 PM
Your results:
You are Dr. Doom
Blessed with smarts and power but burdened by vanity. |
Posted by
Itai Rosenbaum
6:43 PM
Wow, you wouldn't believe the amount of good things to happen this week.
First, I got a gig writing reviews for Silver Bullet Comics. So that's awsome.
You can find my first review for them, for Punisher War Journal #3, right HERE.
Secondly, I found an artist to collaborate with me in the DimeStore Productions Small Press Idol contest. The contest's grand prize - guranteed publishing of 4 issues of your own issues. That's awsome too. You can check out Paul Ganguly's, my artist, work over HERE.
And lastly, things have been going on quite well with "the project". I really can't talk about it yet, but will say that it's quite exciting and we're planning some amazing stuff for you...
And one more thing after lastly, I've found a new web comic, it's a gaming comic, and it just proved to me that I am still a gaming nerd, despite being away from games for a long time, as I still got most, if not all, of the references. Check out Ctrl+Alt+Del, right HERE.
And that's it for this today's edition of... this.
Posted by
Itai Rosenbaum
12:44 AM
Posted by
Itai Rosenbaum
1:04 AM
A few things of note, let's not waste any time:
Ronin, Ronin and Dr. Strange
Well, Newsarama has started a feature where they're (painfully) slowly revealing the new line-up of the (new) New Avengers.
Now, I love the New Avengers, it's one of the best series to come out of the Avengers Disassemled event a couple years back (it's also the first series I started collecting [not counting Ultimate Spider-Man {well, they were started simultaneously}]). So I'm damned excited about this new line-up. Until I started hearing about it. Now I'm no longer excited, I'm baffled.
I've yet to decide if that's a good thing...
So... the first in the new line-up is.... Ronin!
Well, Echo to be precise. You see, in New Avengers #11-13 a new character named Ronin was introduced in a story-arc aptly named - Ronin. Much speculations went about as to who is behind the Ronin mask, with the major contenders being Matt Murdock and Elektra. However, in a move completley out of left field (and hat's off to one B.M. Bendis for that one) Ronin was revealed to be none other than Echo, a David Mack creation which appeared as a guest star in Daredevil. For the full details on Echo you can read Daredevil #10-15, #53-55 and the afore mentioned Ronin arc (New Avengers #11-13). Also, check out the Wikipedia article on Ronin right here.
The second member of the new New Avengers is... Ronin!
Wha? Huh? But isn't... wait a minute...
Turns out Echo will go back to being Echo after the first arc of the (new) New Avengers, and someone else will fill-out the Ronin man-suit. And hey, it may even be a man this time around. Bendis has mentioned a charatcer which has becom a "masterless" samurai following the events of Civil War. My guess, one Steven Rogers, formerly Captain "You-think-this-A-stands-for-France" America. Though I'm probably WAY off, as that's TOO obvious.
Moving right along, the third member of the new line-up is... Ro- nah, just kidding. It's Dr. Strange.
Huh? Dr. Strange on a super-team that doesn't start with the letter D?
Yep! Apperantly ol' Stevey-boy kinda regrets taking on the role of Switzerland in this past war and moves to rectify the situation. I'm still on the fence on wether that's a good thing or not... But apperantly Leinil Francis Yu (the new [new] New Avengers artist) draws a kick-ass Strange, so we'll see.
Ultimate Ronin
Yep, you read that right. We now have an Ultimate Ronin. Which pretty much cements Bendis' love for the black man-suit. Who is in the actual suit, possibly Ultimate Echo, possibly someone else. We'll find out come April. Here's an image for you:
Posted by
Itai Rosenbaum
12:57 AM
Where is that damnable reboot button....
Ah... there it is.
O.k., my New Year's Resolution (which I made about 5 minutes ago) is to start
updating this blog regularly. At least once every 2-3 days. Let's see how long it lasts.
Let's see, where to start... well a lot of things have happened in the past
couple of weeks. The most important of which is... I'm getting out of the army. Yep, I've managed to shorten my service, and I am now leaving February 8th. I'm happy, which probably means the world is happy. One can only assume.
The second major update is that I've managed to get a US Visa. But why
would I need a visa you ask?
Well that's because after I'm out, I plan on flying to New York, for Comic-Con!! Hoora! I can't wait it'll be so much fun, and who knows, I may land a writing-gig somewhere...
Speaking of writing gigs, things are going pretty well at PBR and at ASJ, pretty soon you'll be able to see some of my lettering on Webisode 18. From then I've got a webisode that I am editing, 3 that I'm writing and an ASJ mini written by yours truly.
And also theres.... nope, can't talk about it yet. But it's cool.
Moving on, let's hype some stuff up:
Posted by
Itai Rosenbaum
1:16 AM