Saturday, February 03, 2007

So much to do, so little time...

Wow, you wouldn't believe the amount of good things to happen this week.

First, I got a gig writing reviews for Silver Bullet Comics. So that's awsome. 
You can find my first review for them, for Punisher War Journal #3, right HERE

Secondly, I found an artist to collaborate with me in the DimeStore Productions Small Press Idol contest. The contest's grand prize - guranteed publishing of 4 issues of your own issues. That's awsome too. You can check out Paul Ganguly's, my artist, work over HERE.

And lastly, things have been going on quite well with "the project". I really can't talk about it yet, but will say that it's quite exciting and we're planning some amazing stuff for you...

And one more thing after lastly, I've found a new web comic, it's a gaming comic, and it just proved to me that I am still a gaming nerd, despite being away from games for a long time, as I still got most, if not all, of the references. Check out Ctrl+Alt+Del, right HERE.

And that's it for this today's edition of... this.

1 comment:

Brant W. Fowler said...

Awesome artist you have there, Itai. Best of luck in the contest!

By the way, I just checked out your column (a great introduction!) and started you a thread on the forums: